ASTOR MAYER provides policies, compliance assurance requirements, and internal procedures to support and manage eco-labeling program activities. These documents ensure that ASTOR MAYER’s eco-labels meet or exceed the requirements of internationally recognized standards such as ISO 14021, ISO 14025, and ISO 14024 for Type 1, Type 2, and Type 3 eco-label management. Detailed policies regarding the ASTOR MAYER ECOLABEL Program can be found in the ASTOR MAYER Policy Guide.
ASTOR MAYER has received official recognition for meeting the requirements of ISO 14021, ISO 14025, and ISO 14024 for Type 1, Type 2, and Type 3 eco-labels, as audited by NAC.
Manufacturers and/or brands wishing to register their products under one of ASTOR MAYER’s eco-labels must first sign a contract confirming their adherence to ASTOR MAYER’s policies.
ASTOR MAYER, accredited as a testing and certification organization under ISO/IEC 17020 for conformity assessments and ISO/IEC 17065 for certification bodies, provides third-party verification services.
The ASTOR MAYER eco-label works with an Advisory Council to ensure that it continues to meet the needs of participating brands, buyers, policymakers, investors, and other stakeholders interested in the development of more sustainable technologies.
The Advisory Council consists of non-executive members whose role is to provide feedback, advice, input, insights, and perspectives to ASTOR MAYER.
The Advisory Council brings together volunteers from various ASTOR MAYER stakeholder groups, including manufacturing, purchasing, environmental advocacy, recycling, government, research, retail, and dealer interests. Council members serve three-year terms and meet two to four times a year, typically via teleconference.
Environmental Product Declarations (ISO 14025)
Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) are designed to meet global market demand for scientifically-based, transparent, quality-assured information about a product’s environmental performance. Based on Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), EPDs are rapidly becoming a key component in the material selection process, particularly in the construction industry. ASTOR MAYER Evaluation Service, as a Program Operator, helps meet industry demand with published Program Instructions detailing our approach.
What is an EPD?
An EPD is a comprehensive declaration of a product's environmental impacts based on Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). More specifically, an EPD is a voluntary ISO Type III environmental declaration based on ISO 14025. These third-party verified documents convey LCA results and relevant environmental performance information at one of two levels: business-to-business (B-to-B) or business-to-consumer (B-to-C).
Purpose of an EPD
An EPD provides manufacturers with the opportunity for greater transparency regarding the environmental impacts of their products, using established international standards. Like a nutrition label, an EPD summarizes environmental impacts and related information in an accessible and consistent format, helping consumers, building design teams, specifiers, and others to make appropriate, informed product choices.
What Types of Environmental Impacts Are There?
An EPD reports impacts such as:
It also discloses resource use and whether waste is declared hazardous.
Steps to Develop an EPD
Choose a Program Operator An independent agency, known as a Program Operator, must oversee the entire EPD development process in compliance with ISO 14025 guidelines.
Develop Product Category Rules (PCRs) (ISO 14027) PCRs define the product category and provide a detailed procedure for conducting LCA.
Conduct Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) After finalizing PCRs, an LCA must be performed, which compiles inputs, outputs, and potential environmental impacts over the product’s life cycle.
Create the EPD An EPD, summarizing the LCA’s core findings, is produced by the manufacturer or a third party.
Register the EPD Once verified, the EPD is registered and automatically included in the ASTOR MAYER database at
ASTOR MAYER ensures that the EPD adheres to valid international standards and PCRs and can be verified either internally or by a third-party verifier.