ISO 50001 Lead Auditor Training is among the training and services offered by ISO to individuals.
Reference materials (RMs) are used in all stages of the measurement process, including method validation, calibration, and quality control.
ISO 13528:2022 is an international standard that covers statistical methods used in proficiency testing through interlaboratory comparisons.
The EN ISO 17020 standard is an international standard used to assess the competence of inspection bodies.
EN ISO/IEC 17025, deney ve kalibrasyon laboratuvarlarının yeterliliği için genel gereklilikleri belirleyen uluslararası kabul görmüş bir standarttır.
EN ISO/IEC 17025 is an internationally recognized standard that specifies the general requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories.
Proficiency testing (PT) is a vital tool for ensuring the accuracy and reliability of laboratory results. ISO 17043 is an international standard that provides requirements for proficiency testing (PT) providers.
The ISO 17065 standard is an international standard that regulates the activities of product, process, and service certification bodies.
ISO 17065 standardı, ürün, süreç ve hizmet belgelendirme kuruluşlarının faaliyetlerini düzenleyen uluslararası bir standarttır.
Method validation and verification are important concepts used to ensure the reliability and accuracy of analytical methods.
Measurement uncertainty training is an important topic that provides information about how reliable a measurement result is and how close it is to the true value.