ISO 14064 Certification – Greenhouse Gas Verification

Climate change has been identified as one of the key challenges that nations, governments, economic systems, and citizens will face in the coming decades. The effects of climate change impact both people and natural systems, and may lead to significant changes in resource usage in production and economic activities. In response, initiatives have been developed and implemented at international, regional, national, and local levels to limit greenhouse gas (GHG) concentrations in the Earth's atmosphere. These initiatives are based on the estimation of GHG amounts (Carbon Footprint Calculation), the monitoring, reporting, and verification of GHG emissions, and/or their removal. The program is open to all organizations wishing to measure and communicate the GHG emissions (Carbon Footprint Calculation) associated with their product or service lifecycle.

The regulatory framework for the international certification of carbon footprint calculation and the principles and requirements for measuring, reporting, and verifying greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are defined in ISO 14064-1. This standard outlines the requirements for the design, development, management, reporting, and verification of an organization's GHG inventory.

ISO 14064 aims to provide clarity and consistency in measuring, monitoring, reporting, and verifying GHG inventories or GHG-related projects, offering global benefits to organizations, project proponents, and other stakeholders. Specifically, the use of the standard ensures:

  • Enhancing the environmental integrity of GHG verification amounts.
  • Increasing the reliability, consistency, and transparency of GHG measurement, monitoring, reporting, and reductions, including emissions reduction and mitigation.
  • Facilitating the development and implementation of GHG management strategies and plans for an organization.
  • Facilitating the development and implementation of GHG-related projects.
  • Simplifying the tracking of performance and progress in emission reductions and/or increases in GHG mitigation.
  • Facilitating the allocation of credits and the transfer of emission reduction units or increases in GHG mitigation.

Key Benefits:

  • Comparison between similar products and services.
  • Ease in evaluating alternative product configurations, procurement, and production methods.
  • Supplier selection based on raw material choices and associated GHG emissions.
  • A knowledge base for launching projects to reduce GHG emissions and measure results.
  • Identification of opportunities to save on energy costs.
  • Demonstrating a genuine commitment to environmental and social responsibility to customers and stakeholders.
  • Potential competitive advantages (e.g., Green Public Procurement).
  • Ease of compliance with future plans or mandatory regulations.

ISO 14064 Greenhouse Gas Verification

An increasing number of organizations are voluntarily monitoring and reporting their GHG emissions to better manage their carbon footprints and contribute to the fight against global warming. ISO 14064 provides a framework for GHG accounting and verification for organizations that wish to measure and reduce GHG emissions.

The application of GHG principles is essential to ensure that GHG-related information is accurate and fair. These principles form the basis of the requirements and guide the implementation within an organization.

Principles of GHG Verification:

  • Relevance: Select GHG sources, sinks, reservoirs, data, and methodologies that are appropriate for the intended user.
  • Completeness: Include all relevant GHG emissions and removals.
  • Consistency: Ensure meaningful comparisons in GHG verification information.
  • Accuracy: Minimize bias and uncertainty as much as possible.
  • Transparency: Disclose sufficient and appropriate information to enable target users to make reasonable decisions with confidence.

ISO 14064 provides a framework for organizations to measure, monitor, report, and verify GHG emissions and to improve their GHG mitigation efforts. This standard is integral for organizations that seek to address climate change by understanding, reducing, and verifying their GHG impacts.

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